Monday, June 16, 2008

the journeyman travails - what are you searching for

a lil one asked me yesterday, journeyman what are you searching for
you travel far and wide, is it for the gold in the river or the diamonds in the mines

i wonder what to tell her, for what gold can buy and diamond can decorate
is, but a crown, better suited for museums; to come once in a while, admire and move on

i tell her of my prayers to the lord in the night
that my life be one of adventure, one of seeking

that i search for peace inside
and that i spread smiles outside

Thursday, June 5, 2008

doodles on a napkin

Doodles on a napkin
are like the tarrot cards
mysteriously forming destiny
from thoughts arisen in solitude
but like all destinies must
in the end get crumpled up and moved away
to make way for a fresh table, some new thoughts and some new doodles